When deciding to add air-cooled MIG welding torches to your operation, you will want to consider the needs of your facility. If you are welding daily for only a short period of time, air-cooled MIG guns would adequately cover your operation. This type of gun is optimal for quick, low-amperage MIG welding applications.
Air-cooled Guns
Air-cooled MIG guns are most effectively used in smaller, less-demanding operations where they are being used at a lower rate. This is due to the design and usability of the torch. Air-cooled MIG welding guns cannot withstand heat for very long, therefore once the torch reaches a certain point it's functionality will significantly decrease. They rely heavily on the transfer of heat from the contact tip, through the handle, and into the power cable before radiating into the air.
ABICOR BINZEL offers three air-cooled MIG welding torches. Each option having a slightly different look and feel depending on the style of neck, trigger design, and weight of the gun.