Accell E
Accell E

Throat Depth:
12” Throat Depth on machines up to 250 Tons. 14” Throat Depth on 350 – 500 Ton models.
Backgauge Options:
Accell E models include the Premium CNC X, R, Z1/Z2 backgauge. The optional Elite backgauge offers greater flexibility in 6-Axis X1/X2, R1/R2, Z1/Z1.
Forming Accuracy:
The synchronized Y1/Y2 Accurpress Accell-E is engineered and manufactured to produce repeat and parallelism positional accuracies of +/-0.0004 across the length of the press brake, including the outside distance of the side frames via the electronic/hydraulic closed-loop control system.
Machine Controls:
The powerful and easy to use Vision Control comes standard with all Accell models. Optional Moses upgrade is available.
Hydraulic Ram Clamping:
All E-models are equipped with Wila Hydraulic Ram Clamping to suit American tooling. Wila New Standard Pro or Premium is available as an option.
Generous Open Height/Stroke Length:
The Accell line comes standard with impressive ram open heights and stroke lengths to provide flexibility for complex part designs.
Off-Center Bending:
The integrity of the frame provides for precision off-center bending applications. Additionally, the advanced control allows for the creation of CNC fade bends.
CNC Crowning:
CNC Accurcrown is a standard feature offering flexibility and accuracy to the full range of bending applications in all job shop and production environments.