Semi-Paxy CNC Automation Positioned
Semi-Paxy CNC Automation Positioned

The Semi-Paxy CNC automatic positioner may be mounted onto new or existing Geka ironworkers with a minimum throat size of 20″. It is available as part of an optional package for the two-cylinder hydraulic ironworkers in Geka’s Hydracrop Series or for the punching machines in the Puma Series.
This CNC positioner is equipped with programmable stops along the X- and Y-Axis.
Versions of the Semi-Paxy CNC Automatic Positioner:
X 1000: Accommodates material with a maximum length of 40″
X Plus: Accommodates extension devices for longer material: 78 3/4″, 118 1/8″, 157 1/2″, 196 7/8″, and 236 1/4″
Features and specifications for the Semi-Paxy CNC Automatic Positioner
Basic features:
- Support chassis
- Two servo motor-driven positioning carriages
- Touch screen
- Conveyor assembly consisting of independent servo drives along each axis, spindle and encoder units
Maximum Widths according to Model:
- HYDRACROP or PUMA (20″ throat) = 15 3/4″ Y Gauging.
- HYDRACROP Models 110SD and 165 SD = 20″Y Gauging.
- PUMA (30″ throat) = 25 5/8″ Y Gauging.